MUST SEE: You wont't believe what AlDub S.O.C.O Team has figured out! Goosebumps! Check this out!

Last March 14-15,2016 Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards went to Dapitan Dakak and to Fantasy Land to shoot their latest commercial.

We saw some behind the scenes and some clips/previews on social media of Alden and Maine in Dakak and Fantasy Land but this one is really surprising.

A fan noticed a Apollo Log at the back of Alden and Maine as their photo bomber. Here is the sroty of the flight on space of Apollo Log.

Alden and Divina saw each other last July 16,2015 and the Apollo log flight was July 16, 1969 , another co incident !

© | AlDubNation16
MUST SEE: You wont't believe what AlDub S.O.C.O Team has figured out! Goosebumps! Check this out! MUST SEE: You wont't believe what AlDub S.O.C.O Team has figured out! Goosebumps! Check this out! Reviewed by jimdiamante on 3:25 AM Rating: 5

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