MUST WATCH : Another Chapter of Kalye Serye is about to happen tomorrow!

March 18,2016 Friday , another great and fun day for Eat Bulaga's kalye Serye as the cast of Kalye Serye, Lola Nidora, Lola Tinidora , Yaya Dub and Alden Richards went to the Masion of Yaya Dub .

They had a "mirienda" in the mansion while Alden Richards and Yaya Dub get out for a while and ate there having fun moments together. As they get back to the house, Cookie came sad and lonely because she will leave the mansion .

As much as the Lolas wanted Cookie to stay , they can't because they cannot compensate the needs of Cookie, before cookie leave they had a selfie together.

Lola Nidora in the end revealed that tomorrow will be another chapter of Kalye Serye!

© | AlDubNation16
MUST WATCH : Another Chapter of Kalye Serye is about to happen tomorrow! MUST WATCH : Another Chapter of Kalye Serye is about to happen tomorrow! Reviewed by jimdiamante on 12:34 AM Rating: 5

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